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Les Ptéridophytes d'Amérique du sud par G. Cremers

Extrait de : Cremers, G., 2004. Richesse de l'Herbier de Strasbourg (STR) en types de Ptéridophytes américains. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle et d Ethnographie de Colmar, 65 : 3-19.


1. Acrostichum calaguala Klotzsch, Linnaea 20: 421. 1847.

Syntype: VENEZUELA: Merida: Paramo de Mucute, Moritz 315, (isosyntype B, STR).
= Elaphoglossum huacsaro (Ruiz) H. Christ (d après Christ 1899, Tryon R.M. 1991).

2. Acrostichum discolor Kuhn, Linnaea 36: 53. 1869.

Syntype: BRAZIL: Amazonas: San Gabriel ad Rio Negro, Spruce 2309 (syntype fr.B, isosyntypes P, STR).
= Elaphoglossum discolor (Kuhn) C. Christensen (d après Smith A.R. 1995, Tryon R.M. 1991, bank US).

3. Acrostichum flaccidum Fée var. pallidum Baker, in Martius, Fl. Bras. 1(2): 569. 1870.

Syntype: BRAZIL: Amazonas: San Gabriel da Cachoeira, Spruce 2187 (syntype B, isosyntypes P, STR).
= Elaphoglossum nigrescens (Hooker) T. Moore ex Diels (d après Sehnem 1979).

4. Acrostichum lechlerianum Mettenius, Fil. Lechl. 1: 3. 1856.

Type: PERU: Puno: near Tatanara, Aug. 1854, Lechler 2522 (holotype B; isotypes P, STR).
= Elaphoglossum lechlerianum (Mettenius) T. Moore (d après Tryon 1991).

5. Acrostichum nudum Kunze ex Klotzsch Linnaea 20: 422. 1847.

Type: VENEZUELA [as Columbia]: Paramo de la Culata, Moritz 383 (holotype B; isotype STR).
= Elaphoglossum gayanum (Fée) T. Moore (d après C. Christensen 1906)

6. Acrostichum tanajense Kuhn, Linnaea 36: 50. 1869.

Syntype: BRAZIL: Amazonas: near Sao Gabriel, Rio Negro, Spruce 2185 (isosyntypes B, P, STR).
= Elaphoglossum laminarioides (Bory) T. Moore (d après Proctor 1989).

7. Adiantum galeottianum Hooker, Sp. Fil. 2: 10, t.80B. 1851.

Type: MEXICO: Oaxaca: Juquila del Sur , 3500 ft., Galeotti 6561 (isotypes P, STR).

8. Adiantum gracile Fée, Gen. Fil. [Mem. Fam. Foug. 5:] 116. 1850-52.

Type: BRAZIL: Claussen s.n. (holotype P; Brazil, Sabara, Claussen 70 is poss. auth. mat. à STR).

9. Adiantum obliquum var. majus Hooker, Sp. Fil. 2: 8, t.79A, f.1. 1851.

Syntype: BRAZIL: Para: near Tanaii, Spruce 39 (syntype K?; poss. auth. mat. at STR).
= Adiantum obliquum Willdenow (d après Lellinger 1989).

10. Adiantum orbignyanum Mettenius, in Kuhn, Linnaea 36: 78. 1869.

Type: BOLIVIA: La Laguna, Orbigny 412 (paralectotype B; isoparalectotype STR).

11. Adiantum rufopunctatum Mettenius ex Kuhn, Jahrb. Königl. Bot. Gard. Berlin 1: 350. 1881.

Type: BOLIVIA: Yungas, Orbigny 165 (holotype B; isotypes P, STR).

12. Alsophila caracasana Klotzsch, Linnaea 18: 541. 1844.

Type: VENEZUELA: Caracas, Moritz 117 (holotype B?; isotypes P, STR).
= Cyathea caracasana (Klotzsch) Domin var. caracasana (d après Tryon R.M. 1976, 1986, bank US).

13. Alsophila farinosa Karsten, Fl. Columb. 2: 163, t.186. 1869.

Type: VENEZUELA: Aragua: Caracas, Col. Tovar, 1500 m, Karsten 49 (isotype B, poss. auth. mat. à STR).
= Trichipteris gibbosa (Klotzsch) Barrington (d après Barrington 1978).

14. Alsophila nigra Martius, Icon. Pl. Crypt. Bras. 71, t.30, f.5-6, t.47. 1834.

Type: BRAZIL: Amazonas: flumen Japura in provincia a Rio Negro dicta, Martius s.n. (isotype B, poss. auth. mat. at STR).
= Trichipteris nigra (Martius) R.M. Tryon (d après Barrington 1978, Tryon R.M. 1986, 1989).

15. Alsophila pubescens Baker, in Hooker et Baker, Syn. Fil. ed.1, 449. 1868.

Type: PERU: San Gavan, Aug. 1874, Lechler 2190 (paralectotype B; isoparalectotypes P, STR).
= Trichipteris pubescens (Baker) R.M. Tryon (d après Barrington 1978, Tryon R.M. 1986, 1989).

16. Asplenium attenuatum Kaulfuss, Enum. 17. 1824. Non R. Brown (1810), nom. illeg.

Syntype: BRAZIL: Martius [Fl.Bras. 345] (isosyntypes P, STR*).
= Asplenium martianum C. Christensen (d après Sehnem 1968).

17. Asplenium fernandezianum Kunze, Anal. Pteridogr. 22. 1837.

Type: CHILE: Juan Fernandez Isl., Bertero 1532 (isosyntypes B, P, STR*).
= Asplenium stellatum Colla (d après Marticorena 1995).

18. Asplenium firmum Kunze, Bot. Zeit. (Berlin) 3: 283. 1845.

Type: VENEZUELA: Aragua: Caracas, Moritz 26 (isoparalectotype STR*).
= Asplenium abscissum Willdenow (d après Angely 1963, Morton 1966, Proctor 1985, 1989, Sehnem 1968, Smith A.R. 1981, 1985, Stolze 1986, Tryon R.M. 1986).

19. Asplenium flabellulatum Kunze var. dentatum Klotzsch, Linnaea 9: 71. 1834; 20: 357. 1847.

Type: VENEZUELA: Aragua: near Caracas, Moritz 43 (paralectotype B?; isoparalectotype STR*).
= Asplenium radicans Linnaeus var. partitum (Klotzsch) Hieronymus (d après Stolze 1986, Tryon R.M. 1993).

20. Asplenium regulare Swartz var. brevisorum Martius, Flora 22, Beibl. 1: 42. 1839.

Type: BRAZIL: Ilheus, Martius 341 (isotype STR*).
= Asplenium regulare Swartz (d après ).

21. Cheilanthes lindheimeri Hooker, Sp. Fil. 2: 101, t.107a. 1852.

Type: USA: Texas: 1847, Lindheimer 744 (lectotype B; isolectotypes P, STR).

22. Cheilanthes viscosa Karsten, Bot. Zeit. (Berlin) 12: 855. 1854. nom. nud.

Type: VENEZUELA (Columbia): Aragua: Colonia Tovar, Moritz s.n. (poss. auth. mat. at P, Moritz 387 at B and STR poss. auth. mat.).
= Hypolepis viscosa Mettenius (d après Smith A.R. 1995).

23. Cyathea microphylla Mettenius, Fil. Lechl. 1: 23, t.3, f.1-6. 1856.

Type: PERU: St. Gavan (San Gavan Puno), Jul. 1854, Lechler 2160 (isotype STR).

24. Danaea moritziana C. Presl, Tent. Pterid. Suppl. 33. 1845.

Type: VENEZUELA: Aragua: Colonia Tovar, Moritz 257 (isotypes B, P, STR).

25. Davallia berteroana Colla, Herb. Pedem. 6: 191. 1836.

Type: CHILE: Ins. Juan Fernandez, Bertero s.n. (isotypes B, STR).
= Dicksonia berteroana (Colla) Hooker (d après Marticorena 1995).

26. Davallia lindenii Hooker, Sp. Fil. 1: 193, t.56B. 1846.

Type: VENEZUELA: Aragua: Caracas, 1843, Hartweg 1507 ( isosyntypes P, STR).
= Loxoscaphe theciferum (Kunth) T. Moore (d après Mickel 1988, Morton 1966).

27. Davallia uncinella Kunze, Bot. Zeit. (Berlin) 8: 213. 1850.

Type: CUBA: St. Yago de Cuba, 4000 ft, 1843-1844, Linden 2175 (holotype B; isotype STR).
= Odontosoria scandens (Desvaux) C. Christensen (d après Proctor 1989, bank US).

28. Dicksonia aculeata Sprengel, Neue Entdeck. Pflanzenk. 3: 7. 1822.

Type: MARTINIQUE: Sieber s.n. [Fl.Mart.347] (isotypes B, STR*).
= Hypolepis repens (Linnaeus) C. Presl (d après Howard 1977, Proctor 1989).

29. Dicksonia gigantea Karsten, Fl. Columb. 2: 177, t.193. 1869.

Type: COLUMBIA: Cundinamarca: Andes of Bogota, Mt. Guadalupe, 2600 m, Karsten s.n. (poss. auth. mat. at STR).
= Dicksonia sellowiana Hooker (d après Moran 1995, Murillo 1988, Tryon R.M. 1986).

30. Diplazium hians Kunze ex Klotzsch, Linnaea 20: 361. 1847.

Type: VENEZUELA (as Columbia): Merida: Moritz 289 (holotype B; isotype STR).

31. Drynaria prieuri Fée, Gen. Fil. [Mem. Fam. Foug. 5:] 271. 1852.

Type: FRENCH GUIANA: Leprieur s.n. (poss. auth. mat. STR*).
= Pleopeltis astrolepis (Liebmann) Fournier (d après Lellinger 1989).

32. Equisetum laevigatum A. Braun, Amer. J. Sci. Arts 46: 87. 1844.

Type: USA: St. Louis, Jun. 1841, Riehl 279 (isotypes P, STR).

33. Equisetum lechleri Milde, Verh. K.K. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien 11: 350. 1861.

Type: CHILE: Tarapaca: near Arica, May 1854, Lechler 1556 (holotype B; isotype STR).
= Equisetum giganteum Linnaeus (d après Lellinger 1989, Marticorena 1995).

34. Gleichenia lechleri Mettenius, in Kuhn, Linnaea 36: 167. 1869.

Type: PERU: near Tabina, Lechler 2040 (holotype B; isotypes P, STR).

35. Gymnogramme laserpiliifolia Kunze, Bot. Zeit. 285. 1845.

Type: VENEZUELA: Aragua: Caracas, Moritz 39 (isosyntype STR*).
= Eriosorus hirtus (Kunth) Copeland (d après A.R. Smith 1985)

36. Gymnogramme mohriaeformis Kunze ex Mettenius, Fil. Lechl. 1: 9. 1856.

Type: PERU: Puno: San Gavan, Lechler 2255 (lectotype B; isolectotypes P, STR).
= Eriosorus rufescens (Fée) A.F. Tryon (d après Tryon A.F. 1970, Tryon R.M. 1989).

37. Gymnogramme orbignyanum Mettenius, in Kuhn, Linnaea 36: 70. 1869.

Type: BOLIVIA: La Paz: Yungas, 1841, Orbigny 174 (lectotype C, isolectotype STR).
= Eriosorus orbignyanus (Kuhn) A.F. Tryon (d après Tryon R.M. 1989).

38. Gymnogramme reniformis Martius, Icon. Pl. Crypt. 88, t.26. 1834.

Type: COLUMBIA: Amazonas: Mt. Cupati, Rio Japura, Martius s.n. (poss. auth. mat. STR).
= Pterozonium reniforme (Martius) Fée (d après Smith A.R. 1995, Tryon R.M. 1989, bank US).

39. Hemitelia boryana Mettenius, in Kuhn, Linnaea 36: 161. 1869.

Type: FRENCH GUIANA: Leprieur 265 a (lectotype P; isolectotypes B, STR).
= Cyathea andina (Karsten) Domin (d après Proctor 1989, Tryon R.M. 1976, bank US).

40. Hemitelia hostmannii Hooker, Ic. Pl. t. 646. 1844.

Type: SURINAM: Hostmann s.n. (STR poss. auth. mat.)
= Cyathea cyatheoides (Desvaux) Kramer (d après Windisch 1978).

41. Hemitelia multiflora (J.E. Smith) Sprengel var. parkeri Baker, in Martius, Fl. Bras. 1(2): 314. 1859.

Type: SURINAM: Sta. Victoria, 1843, Kappler 1355 a (isosyntype STR).
= Cyathea surinamensis (Miquel) Domin (d après Windisch 1978).

42. Hemitelia spectabilis Kunze, Linnaea 21: 233. 1848.

Type: SURINAM: near Stationem Victoriam, Dec. 1843, Kappler 1771 (isotypes B, P, STR).
= Cyathea spectabilis (Kunze) Domin (d après Kramer 1978).

43. Hymenophyllum orbignyanum van den Bosch, Nederl. Kruidk. Arch. 5(3): 191. 1863.

Type: BOLIVIA: Yuracares, 1841, Orbigny 304 (holotype P, isotype STR).
= Hymenophyllum crispum Kunth (d'après Lellinger 1989).

44. Hymenophyllum speciosum van den Bosch, Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 5: 181. 1863.

Type: PERU: Puno: near San Pavan, Lechler 2246 (isolectotypes: B, P, STR).

45. Hymenophyllum spectabile Mettenius ex Kuhn, Linnaea 35: 392. 1868.

Type: BOLIVIA: Yungas, 1841, Orbigny 175 (isotypes B, P, STR).
= Hymenophyllum speciosum van den Bosch (d après Tryon R.M. 1989).

46. Jamesonia cinnamomea Kunze, Bot. Zeit. (Berlin) 2: 738. 1844.

Type: COLUMBIA: 1841-1842, Hartweg 516 (isotypes B, P, STR).

47. Jamesonia nivea Karsten, Fl. Columb. 2: 29, t.115. 1862.

Type: VENEZUELA: Merida: near Jaji, Karsten s.n. (isotypes P, STR).
= Jamesonia canescens Kunze (d après Tryon A.F. 1962).

48. Jamesonia verticalis Kunze, Bot. Zeit. 2: 739. 1844.

Type: COLUMBIA: Andes of Popayan, 11000 ft., Hartweg 1504 (isotypes B, P, STR).

49. Lomaria arborescens Klotzsch et Karsten, in Klotzsch, Linnaea 20: 347. 1844.

Type: VENEZUELA: Galipan, Moritz 300 (syntype B, isosyntypes P, STR).
= Blechnum cordatum (Desvaux) Hieronymus (d après Smith A.R. 1985, 1995, Tryon R.M. 1993, bank US).

50. Lycopodium eythropus Martius, Icon. Select. Pl. Crypt. Bras. 39. 1834.

Type: BRAZIL: Piaui, Martius s.n. (isotype STR).
= Selaginella erythropus (Martius) Spring (d après Alston 1981, Moran 1995, Tryon R.M. 1994).

51. Lycopodium mnioides Sieber ex Hooker et Greville, Bot. Misc. 2: 394. 1831.

Type: TRINIDAD: Sieber s.n. [Fl. Mixt. 325] (isotype STR*).
= Selaginella diffusa (C. Presl) Spring (d après Alston 1981, Lellinger 1989, Moran 1995).

52. Lycopodium tortum Sieber ex Underwood et Lloyd, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 33: 118. 1906.

Type: MARTINIQUE: Sieber s.n. [Fl. Mixta 328] (isolectotype STR*).
= Lycopodiella torta (Sieber ex Underwood et Lloyd) Ollgaard (d après Johns 1997).

53. Meniscium giganteum Mettenius, Fil. Lechl. 1: 19. 1856.

Type: PERU: Puno: near San Gavan, Lechler 2292 (holotype B; isotypes P, STR).
= Thelypteris gigantea (Mettenius) R.M. Tryon (d après Smith A.R. 1983, 1992).

54. Meniscium kapplerianum Fée, Gen. Fil. [Mem. Fam. Foug. 5:] 223. 1852.

Type: SURINAM: Para, Aug. 1842, Hostmann et Kappler 828 (isotype STR*).
= Thelypteris hostmannii (Klotzsch) Morton (d après bank US).

55. Meniscium sessilifolium Pohl ex Fée, Crypt. Vasc. Bres. 1: 84. 1869.

Type: BRAZIL: Goias: San Frido, Pohl s.n. (isotypes P, STR).
= Thelypteris salzmannii (Fée) Morton (d après ).

56. Microlepia inaequalis (Kunze) C. Presl var. nigrescens Mettenius, Fil. Lechl. 1: 22. 1856.

Type: PERU: San Gavan, Lechler 2293 (isotypes B, STR).
= Saccoloma inaequale (Kunze) Mettenius (d après Tryon R.M. 1981).

57. Ophioglossum spruceanum Fée, Crypt. Vasc. Bres. 1: 218, t.52, f.3. 1869.

Type: BRAZIL: Amazonas: Rio Negro, near San Gabriel de Cachoeira, Jan.-Oct. 1852, Spruce 2041 (isotype STR).
= Ophioglossum nudicaule Linnaeus f. (d après Lellinger 1989, bank US).

58. Phegopteris blanchetiana Fée, Gen. Fil. [Mem. Fam. Foug. 5:] 245. 1852.

Type: BRAZIL: Bahia: Blanchet 2928 (isotype STR, poss. auth. mat. at P).

59. Polypodium anfractuosum Kunze ex Klotzsch, Linnaea 20: 375. 1847.

Type: VENEZUELA [as Columbia]: Merida: Merida, Moritz 330 (holotype B; isotypes P, STR).
= Melpomene anfractuosa (Kunze ex Klotzsch) A.R. Smith et R.C. Moran (d après Smith A.R. 1992).

60. Polypodium curvans Mettenius, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. Paris 5(2): 253. 1864.

Type: PERU: near Agapata, Jun. 1854, Lechler 2006 (holotype B; isotypes P, STR).
= Pecluma curvans (Mettenius) M.G. Price (d après Johns 1996, Price 1983, Tryon R.M. 1993, bank US).

61. Polypodium glaucophyllum Kunze ex Klotzsch, Linnaea 20: 393. 1847.

Type: VENEZUELA [as Columbia]: Merida: Moritz 305 (lectotype B; isolectotype STR).
= Polypodium laevigatum Cavanilles (d après Lellinger 1989, Smith A.R. 1995, Tryon R.M. 1993).

62. Polypodium insigne Liebmann, Kongel Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. Naturvidensk Math. Afd. ser.5, 1: 193. 1849.

Type: MEXICO: Hacienda de Mirador and Totutla, Oct. 1841 - Jan. 1842, Liebmann s.n. (isoparalectotype fr.B, STR).
= Polypodium echinolepis Fée (d après Alston 1981, Lellinger 1989, Smith A.R. 1981, bank US).

63. Polypodium leptophyllum Moritz ex Mettenius, in Triana et Planchon, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser.5, 2: 250. 1864.

Type: VENEZUELA: Aragua: Colonia Tovar, Moritz 437 (syntype B; poss. auth. mat. STR).
= Grammitis pilosissima (Martens et Galeotti) Morton (d après Mickel 1988).

64. Polypodium x leucosporum Klotzsch, Linnaea 20: 404. 1847.

Type: VENEZUELA [as Columbia]: Merida: Paramo de Mucuchies, Moritz 306 (holotype B; isotype STR).

65. Polypodium leucosticton Kunze ex Klotzsch, Linnaea 20: 380. 1847.

Type: COLUMBIA: 1843, Hartweg 1499 (isoparalectotype B, P, STR).
= Polypodium remotum Desvaux (d après Lellinger 1989, Proctor 1985, Smith A.R. 1981, Tryon R.M. 1993).

66. Polypodium myriophyllum Mettenius ex Baker, in Hooker & Baker, Syn. Fil. 338. 1868.

Type: PEROU: Puno: Tatanara, Aug. 1854, Lechler 2567 (isotype B, P, STR).
= Grammitis myriophylla (Mettenius ex Baker) C. Morton (d après Jarret 1985, Mickel 1988, Lellinger 1989, Tryon R.M. 1993).

67. Polypodium solutum Klotzsch, Linnaea 20: 399. 1847.

Type: COLUMBIA: Hartweg 1493 (lectotype B; isolectotype STR).
= Campyloneurum solutum (Klotzsch) Fée (d après Tryon R.M. 1993).

68. Polypodium sphenodes Kunse ex Klotzsch, Linnaea 20: 402. 1847.

Type: VENEZUELA [as Columbia]: Merida: Moritz 304 (holotype B, isotype STR).
= Campyloneurum sphenodes (Klotzsch) Fée (d après Smith A.R. 1985, Tryon R.M. 1993, bank US).

69. Polypodium truncicolum Klotzsch, Linnaea 20: 374. 1847.

Type: VENEZUELA: Aragua: Colonia Tovar, Moritz 252 (holotype B; isotypes P, STR).
= Grammitis truncicola (Klotzsch) Morton (daprès Lellinger 1989, Smith A.R. 1995, Tryon R.M. 1993).
= Micropolypodium truncicolum (Klotzsch) A.R. Smith (dd après Johns 1997).

70. Pteris crassipes Agardh, Recens. Spec. Pter. 59. 1839.

Type: MARTINIQUE: Kohaut in Sieber [Syn. Fil. 161] (isosyntype STR*).
= Pteris arborea Linnaeus (d après Proctor 1989).

71. Pteris podophylla Swartz var. breviloba Kunze, Flora 22(1): 37. 1839.

Type: BRAZIL: Bahia: Martius s.n. [Fl.Bras. 331] (isotypes P, STR, STR*).

72. Pteris scalaris Moritz ex Mettenius, Bot. Zeit. (Berlin) 1854: 856. 1854.

Type: VENEZUELA: Aragua: Colonia Tovar, Moritz 399 (holotype B, isotype STR).
= Paesia glandulosa (Swartz) Kuhn (d après A.R. Smith 1985).

73. Selaginella applanata A. Braun, Annls. Sci. Nat. (Bot.) 5(3): 274. 1865.

Type: PERU: Puno: near San Gavan, Lechler 2405 (isotypes B, P, STR).
= Selaginella jungermannoides Spring (d après Reed 1965).

74. Selaginella cryptogaea Baker, J. Bot. London 21: 98. 1833.

Type: BRAZIL: Amazonas: R. Vaupes, near Panure, Aug. 1852, Spruce 2905 (isotypes B, P, STR).
= Selaginella brevifolia Baker (d après Alston 1981, Reed 1965).

75. Selaginella delicatissima Linden ex A. Braun, Ind. Sem. Hort. Bot. Berol. app. 13. 1857.

Type: Cultivated plant at Berlin (ex Hb. A. Braun) (holotype B; isotype STR).

76. Selaginella deltoides A. Braun, Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.) 5(3): 287. 1865.

Type: BRAZIL: Amazonas: near Panure, Rio Vaupes, Dec. 1852, Spruce 2532 (syntype B; isosyntypes P, STR).
= Selaginella muscosa Spring (d après Alston 1981).

77. Selginella euryclada A. Braun, Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.) 5(3): 304. 1865.

Type: BRAZIL: Amazonas: near Panure, Rio Uaupes, Spruce 2540 (isotypes B, P, STR).
= Selaginella parkeri (Hooker et Greville) Spring (d après Alston 1981).
= Selaginella subarborescens Hooker (d après Reed 1965).

78. Selaginella ferruminata Spring, Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Brux. 10: 231. 1843.

Type: PERU: Huanuco [Junin]: Pangoa, Matthews 1083 (isotypes P, STR).
= Selaginella geniculata (C. Presl) Spring (d après Alston 1981, Lellinger 1989, Reed 1965, Tryon R.M. 1994, bank US).

79. Selaginella hartwegiana Spring, Mem. Acad. Roy. Sci. Belg. n° 128, 24: 188. 1849.

Type: ECUADOR [Columbia]: Pichincha: near Nanegal, Hartweg 1477 (isosyntypes P, STR).

80. Selaginella hoffmannii Hieronymus, Hedwigia 41: 184. 1902.

Type: MEXICO: near Orizaba, 1854, Weber 7 (syntype B, isosyntype STR).
Type: GUATEMALA: near Mazatenango, Bernouilli et Cario 150 (isosyntypes P, STR).

81. Selaginella lychnuchus var. flaccida Spring, Mem. Acad. Roy. Sci. Lett. Belg. 24: 248. 1850.

Type: VENEZUELA [as Columbia]: D.F.: Galipan, Moritz 71 (isotypes B, P, STR).
= Selaginella lychnuchus Spring (d après Alston 1981, Lellinger 1989, Moran 1995, bank US).

82. Selaginella mettenii A. Braun, Ind. Sem. Hort. Berol. app. 1. 1867.

Type: Notice in the Bot. Bard. at Leipzig about 1865 supposed to be a hybrid (at STR, poss. auth. mat specimen ex Herb. A. Braun).

83. Selaginella orbignyana Spring ex Decaisne, Arch. Mus. 2: 194. 1841-42.

Type: BOLIVIA: Santa Cruz: Yuanatos, Chiquitos, 1841, Orbigny 263 (isotypes P, STR).
= Selaginella convoluta (Arnott) Spring (d après Alston 1981).

84. Selaginella panurensis Baker, J. Bot. 21: 97. 1883.

Type: BRAZIL: Amazonas: R. Uaupes, Panure, Aug. 1852, Spruce 2861 (isotype STR).

85. Selaginella poeppigiana (Spring) Spring ex Splitgerber var. peruviana A. Braun, Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.) 5(3): 295. 1865.

Type: PERU: near Tabina, Jul. 1854, Lechler 2015 (holotype B, isotypes P, STR).
= Selaginella trisulcata Asplund (d après Alston 1981).

86. Selaginella producta Baker, J. Bot. Brit. For., London 21: 243. 1883.

Type: BRAZIL: Amazonas: between Barcellos and San Gabriel, Dec. 1851, Spruce 2043 (isolectotype STR).

87. Selaginella rionegrensis Baker, J. Bot. London 23: 117. 1885.

Type: BRAZIL: Amazonas: near Panure and San Carlos, R. Uaupes, Spruce 2501 (isotypes P, STR).
= Selaginella amazonica Spring (d après Alston 1981, Reed 1965).

88. Selaginella sarmentosa A. Braun, Ind. Sem. Hort. Bot. Berol. 1857, App. 14. 1858.

Type: West Indies, JAMAICA: cultivated at Berlin, coll. unknown (holotype B; specimen ex Herb. A. Braun at STR poss. auth. mat.).
= Selaginella heterodonta (Desvaux) Hieronymus (d après Proctor 1985, Reed 1965, bank US).

89. Selaginella solmsii Baker, Handb. fern-allies 56. 1887.

Type: GUATEMALA: Costa Grande, Palohueco, Feb. 1878, Bernouilli et Cario 181 (isotypes P, STR).
= Selaginella martensii Spring (d après Gregory 1979, Lellinger 1989, Mickel 1988, Moran 1995, Reed 1965, Smith A.R. 1981, Stolze 1976).

90. Selaginella subarborescens Hooker, Second Cent. Ferns t.84. 1861[1864].

Type: BRAZIL: Amazonas: Rio Uaupes, near Jauaraté-Cochoeira, Spruce 2540 (isotype STR).
= Selaginella parkeri (Hooker et Greville) Spring (d après Alston 1981, Proctor 1989).

91. Selaginella truncata Karsten ex A. Braun, App. Ind. Sem. Hort. Bot. Berol. Appendix 15. 1857.

Type: COLUMBIA: Cundinamarca: Bogota, Andes of New Grenada, Karsten s.n. (poss. auth. mat. at STR).

92. Selaginella weberi A. Braun ex Fournier, Mex. Pl. 149.1872.

Type: MEXICO: Orizaba, 1854, Weber 7 (type B, STR).
= Selaginella hoffmannii Hieronymus (d après Reed 1965).

93. Trichomanes bicorne Hooker, Icon. Pl. 9, t.982. 1854.

Type: BRAZIL: Amazonas: Rio Negro, Sao Gabriel, aug. 1852, Spruce 2334 (isoparalectotypes P, STR).

94. Trichomanes exsectum Kunze, Analecta Pteridogr. 47, t.29, f.2. 1837.

Type: CHILE: Ins. Juan Fernandez, Ins. Chiloe, 1833, Gay s.n. (isosyntypes P, STR).

95. Trichomanes fastigiatum Sieber ex Presl, Hymen. 15. 1843.

Type: MARTINIQUE: Sieber [Syn. Fil. 144] (isotypes B, STR*).
= Trichomanes crispum Linaeus (d après Howard 1977, Windisch 1992).

96. Trichomanes lindenii C. Presl, Epim. Bot. 11, t.6. 1849[1851].

Type: JAMAICA: Blue Mts., Linden 1675 (isotypes P, STR).
= Trichomanes scandens Linnaeus (d après Proctor 1985, 1989).

97. Trichomanes opacum van den Bosch, Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 5(2): 175. 1861.

Type: PERU: Puno: near San Gaban, Lechler 2175 (holotype P; isotype STR).
= Trichomanes elegans Richard (d après Smith A.R. 1995, 0Tryon R.M. 1989).

98. Trichomanes schiedeanum C. Müller, Bot. Zeit. (Berlin) 12(41): 716. 1854.

Type: MEXICO: Schiede s.n. (holotype B; Schiede 212 at STR is poss. an isotype).
= Trichomanes capillaceum Linnaeus (d après Lellinger 1989, Sehnem 1971, Stolze 1976).

99. Trichomanes splendidum van den Bosch, Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 4: 360. 1859.

Type: COLUMBIA: Santa Fé de Bogota, Hartweg 1531 (lectotype P; isolectotypes B, STR).
= Trichomanes lucens Swartz (d après Lellinger 1989, Sehnem 1971, Windisch 1992).

100. Trichomanes sprucei Baker, in Hooker et Baker, Syn. Fil. ed.1, 87. 1867.

Type: BRAZIL: Amazonas: Barra, Spruce 1399 (isosyntypes P, STR).

101. Trichomanes undulatum van den Bosch, Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 5(2): 147. 1861.

Type: PERU: Puno: Carabaya, Ayapata, near Sangari, Aug.1854, Lechler 2548 (isolectotypes B, P, STR).
= Trichomanes vandenboschii Windisch (d après Tryon R.M. 1989, Windisch 1992).

102. Vittaria orbignyana Mettenius, in Kuhn, Linnaea 36: 66. 1869.

Type: BOLIVIA: Yungas, Orbigny 229 (holotype B; isotypes P, STR).
= Vittaria ruiziana Fée (d après Bank US).